Friday Jun 03, 2022
EP 25 - Chris Martin - Cyber Security - Part 2 - Protect Yourself
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
What would you do if we told you that your “Very Strong” password could be figured out within an hour with no other information about you and if small amounts of information are known it can be minutes or seconds? Many people are unaware of seemingly innocent ways you give your information and how that may make you very susceptible to online hackers. You may be at risk if:
Any of y0ur p@$$w0rd$ l00k l!k3 Th!S.
You have used any password or part of a password more than once.
You use words, patterns, or personal information in your password.
You use verification questions that are easy.
We also discuss:
Are call phone biometrics safe/secure?
How to protect your account and information.
Why 2-way authentication is so important (tip, you can set this up in your Sterling portal) .
In the second and final part of this two part podcast Ben continues his talk with Chris Martin – Staff Software Engineer with Mozilla Firefox as they discuss the password debacle and gives some suggestions on how you can increase your security in the online world.
Friday May 13, 2022
EP 24 - Chris Martin - Cyber Security - Part 1 The Truth About Hacking
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
What does a modern hacker look like? Many of us have a picture of a person sitting in the dark surrounded by computers and monitors **cue suspenseful music and typing sounds**but this is no longer the face of hackers. You may be surprised at how susceptible each of us can be if we are ever chosen as a target for what has become a lucrative and profitable industry. Today Chris Martin – Staff Software Engineer with Mozilla Firefox educates us on some ways that hackers use everyday exploits to try and gain access to our information. This podcast is not meant to scare but to inform and make use more conscious of the decisions we make surrounding technology and how we access computers. It will take place over 2 parts; the first part will be Chris taking us through some historical accounts of hacking and ways that hackers used a variety of tactics to gain access to companies and information. Be sure to stay turned for part 2 where Chris walks us through simple ways to protect ourselves.
Friday Mar 25, 2022
EP 23 - The Reality Of Realty- Sebastian Schmoranz Pt. 2
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
The Reality of Realty version 2.0 - the second half of our podcast episode explores more inside information from a professional in the real estate industry. If you are planning on buying or building this is a MUST listen, some topics we discuss are:
- The importance of credit monitoring- The problem with pools and how to protect yourself- What your Real Estate Lawyer does and why it is important- Home warranty tips and tricks
Thank you to Sebastian Schmoranz, Managing Partner at McGregor, Sims, Schmoranz Law Office
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
EP 22 The Reality Of Realty - Sebastian Schmoranz - Pt1
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
For many, buying a home is a daunting experience. In this sellers market it can feel like you are rushed into something you do not fully understand, but you feel the need to act quickly. It would be great if before we got into the housing market, we could sit down and chat with a professional with a ton of knowledge of the industry and get an idea of how buying or selling a home works, and the things to be careful of.
Todays podcast is exactly that. We will begin a two part series with Sebastian Schmoranz, Managing Partner at McGregor, Sims, Schmoranz Professional Corporation.
Sebastian obtained his Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in French & Business from the University of Waterloo in 2009. He graduated from Western University's Juris Doctor program in 2013 and was called to the Ontario Bar in 2014. He began his career at a large Bay Street firm which helped him develop a strong work ethic and the ability to solve complex problems while under pressure. He came home to practice law in Kingsville in 2016 and purchased the firm from Terrence L. Sims in 2020.
In this and the following podcast Sebastian will walk us through all things Real Estate, and give us a sense of the market conditions today. In this insightful discussion Sebastian walks us through the Real Estate process from beginning to end and gives some great insight for any who are looking to get into the market.
Law Office | McGregor, Sims, Schmoranz Law Office | Ontario (msslawyers.ca)
Monday Feb 28, 2022
EP 21 - Navigating The Crisis In Ukraine
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
I wanted to share some thoughts on Ukraine, and how the crisis there is affecting the markets. We want to be careful to acknowledge that our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine. The trouble of navigating investments during this time pales in comparison to what the people there are going through.
We have also issued a newsletter on this topic, it can be found at the link below.
Global Uncertainty & Your Investments
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
EP 20 - Time to Talk Taxes Update 2022 - Josie Hope
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
It is 2022 and tax time is just around the corner. We want to give listeners a heads up on any changes and give them some tips as they prepare for tax time. So we have invited Josie Hope back on to the Podcast. Josie is a Chartered Professional Accountant who has over 10 years of experience working at the CRA.
Josie Hope, CPA, CMA is a Partner at LJ Business Solutions. More information on Josie can be found at Income Tax | Bookkeeping | LJ Business Solutions | Ontario (ljbizsolutions.com)
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
EP 19 - The Importance Of Having A Will - Ashley Harmon
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Welcome to 2022. We hope you had a great holiday! The new year is usually a great time to take things more seriously and do some of the things you have been putting off. Today we want to help you will that. We are going to be talking about the importance of wills, and how we can go about getting one. We will also walk you through what happens if you die without a will. Our guest today is Ashley Harmon, Ashley is a Lawyer at Hogarth Hermiston Severs in Amherstburg, Ontario. If you are looking at getting a will done, or thinking of updating your current will, todays discussion is for you.
Ashley Harmon - Lawyer | Facebook
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
EP 18 - A Very Davies Christmas Special
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
The Davies Financial team is taking on Christmas in this special podcast. Ben, Andrea & Victoria are talking fun stats, eggnog, and all things holidays in this round table discussion. This podcast addresses all of the questions you did not know that you had including:
Do you how many tons of turkey are produced in Canada?
What do you know about the lucrative Christmas tree industry?
Who at Davies Financial is on the naughty or nice list?
Grab yourself a bowl of fish soup, crack some eggs into your mug and chew a stale candy cane because this podcast is a must listen and is sure to help to put the HA in HAppy holidays.
A Very Davies Christmas Special - Davies Financial
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Today we have a very exciting show. Call it what you want budget, spending plan, cashflow management. We have come up with all sorts of fancy and less abrasive ways of talking about the need to plan how we spend our money.
Life is busy, and managing spending can be a challenge.
If you are like most people, and you struggle to find a way to plan your spending each month, this episode is for you.
We are going to be talking budgeting with Jesse Mecham.
Personal finance expert, speaker, and business leader, Jesse Mecham is the Founder of You Need A Budget (or YNAB if you are very busy and important). Jesse hosts the You Need A Budget Podcast, the Beginning Balance Podcast and is the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of, You Need A Budget. (He’s nothing if not consistent!) A self-proclaimed “recovering CPA,” he is deeply passionate about teaching individuals, families, and business owners YNAB’s Four Rules to help them gain total control of their money. Jesse first developed the YNAB method and original spreadsheet as a broke, newly married college student who really needed a budget. In an attempt to make an additional $300/month to cover rent, he sold his spreadsheet online and YNAB was born. Since 2004, the software has grown into a leading personal finance platform and has helped hundreds of thousands of people break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, get out of debt, and save more money. Now, YNAB has a growing team living and working all around the world, and has built a thriving remote culture that earned recognition as Fortune’s #1 best small company to work for. (YNAB was doing remote work before it was cool!) When not teaching people how to budget, Jesse loves gardening, woodworking, marksmanship, and travel. He also spends a good bit of time with his wife and the seven small people that live in their house. To learn more, visit www.youneedabudget.com.
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
The final update of our Fall 2021 Market Update Mini Series comes from Christian Tucci, District Vice President of Manulife Investment Management. He gives insight about Manulife’s fund managers, their partners at Mawer, inflation risk, ‘boring investing’ and what happens next on the road to recovery.
The Clear Money Mindset
This podcast aims to give current and relevant information to help you manage your Money. Ben Davies is a Financial Advisor with Davies Financial-Sterling Mutuals Inc. Ben has a passion to see people thriving with their money.
The opinions expressed are those of the participants, are for informational purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Sterling Mutuals Inc. Mutual Funds provided through Sterling Mutuals Inc. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the simplified prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.